Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Pregnant Teenager

Enrique's new hormones have been kicking in, so he's dealing with a lot of mood swings.

Sometimes he feels blue, other times he has food cravings and frequently he just feels strange. I've been joking with him that he's like a pregnant teenager.

The mood swing are to be expected and should subside with time and adjustments to his medication.

He's always apologizing for being in a bad mood - but Enrique in a bad mood is like most people on a good day.

On the bright side, we've both come out of the crisis mode that we'd been in for the past 6 weeks. For the first time since this all began, we've been able to see a couple of friends and live a relatively normal life.

Still, he's dreading going back to the hospital. I am, too. But we know what's coming, and we know to expect some surprises. I'm hoping we'll be able to avoid crisis mode completely.

The surgery is set for the 24th. Enrique's parents arrive two days before then and have promised to cook up a storm of Mexican food when they arrive.


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