Friday, August 25, 2006

talking with friends

Enrique had lunch with a good friend who had the same operation about a year ago at the same hospital. They ate at Boulette's Larder, of course.

It really helped Enrique to hear about her experience - which was similar to what the smooth experience the doctors have promised him. She said that he should expect to be tired and moody for a few weeks afterwards,

She and Enrique have similarly sweet dispositions. Usually when one of them is apologizing for being "moody" the rest of us would be congratulating ourselves for being so even-tempered.

I mentioned this to Enrique and said they both tend to apologize more than they need to. "I guess that's the Catholic in us."

In addition, one colleague and one cousin of mine told me they had each had the same surgery. I had never even noticed the scar - which is barely more visible than a wrinkle.


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