Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Success - Enrique is Fine

Enrique's surgery was a success.

The surgeon was able to remove all the offending lymph nodes without cutting into his chest or breaking his clavicle. She said she didn't need to enlarge the scar significantly, which is great. Finally, it doesn't appear that there was any nerve damage.

Enrique is fine.

We are relieved and very happy. Enrique's mother, father and uncle along with my parents and I all exchanged hugs in the surgery waiting room. I felt bad for the other families waiting - but we could not contain our happiness.

After the first surgery, Enrique's parents gave his surgeon a small gift, but she refused to open it. "I'm not done yet. Wait till until we're all done." I reminded her that she could open it now. She said it was waiting on her desk.

We're all very grateful.

In an hour or so he'll be wheeled from the recovery room to his hospital room. We'll see him for the first time and I'll spend the night with him.

He should be able to go home in a day or two. In the meantime, they'll monitor his calcium levels and watch for internal bleeding. Neither is likely or dangerous.

I feel tremendous relief. None of us can stop hugging the others.

Enrique's father came over to me with a smile on his face I've never seen before. I keep forgetting I've only known him for seven weeks, always with the threat of cancer hanging over his son.


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