Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tough Day

Enrique had a tough day in the hosptial today. His calcium levels remain too low to go home.

He had a lot of numbness and stiffness in his extremeties and his face. He also had some shaking. Everything from eating to bathing requires help. I fed him a dinner from Boulette's Larder tonight, courtesy of friends. We are going to try and keep him off hospital food for the rest of his stay.

I am out of his room now while the nurse tries to switch his IV to a new vein. The arm with his vein had begun to swell up.

There was a brief good period when we went for a walk around the hospital corridor with his IV in tow.

It hard to know when he's going home. It doesn't feel all that close right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


So sorry Enrique had a bad day


10:04 PM  

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